Recruiting of children's English teachers

  • 大學以上畢業。
    Bachelor's degree or above.
  • 對英文教學有興趣,且願意接受培訓者。
    Interested in teaching English and willing to accept training.
  • 全英語帶班教學。
    Speak and teach only English.
  • 處理班務,如補課、補考、課業輔導,電訪等。
    Handle class affairs, such as make-up classes, make-up exams, helping with homework, telephone interviews, etc
  • 協助與配合校內招生宣傳活動。
    Assist and cooperate with on-campus student recruitment promotional activities.
  • 參加總部舉辦之教學訓練研討會。
    Participate in the teaching and training seminars held by headquarters.
上班時間(office hours)11:30AM-20:30PM

   Teacher responsibilities and office hours differ according to the needs of each school.

◆ 1111人力銀行 
◆ 104人力銀行 

※If you’re interested, please complete the form below and email your C.V. to teacher@liveabc.com.

兒美教師招募線上申請 English Teacher Application Form